Apply for allowances

Allowances, or ‘toeslagen’, are an addition to your income and a contribution of Dutch government for various expenses.

In 2017 there are four different allowances: ‘zorgtoeslag’ for healthcare, ‘huurtoeslag’ for rental costs, ‘kinderopvangtoeslag’ for day care center, and the ‘kindgebonden budget’ for (other) children-related expenses.

The amount of all allowances depends on the ‘toetsingsinkomen’, the measuring income. This measuring income is the total income of you and your possible allowance-partner. Besides this 'toetsingsinkomen' every allowance also has its own requirements and application deadlines. We have created an information letter to provide you with all the information you need regarding allowances in the Netherlands. Please complete the form below and click on 'Download' to download our information letter.

Do you have any questions regarding allowances that are not mentioned in the information letter? Feel free to send an email with your questions to

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